Tip Sheet 1: Supporting Cross-System Collaboration During the Current Public Health Crisis

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, 2020 During the public health crisis, collaboration is critical to ensure that families receive the services they need to stay safe and healthy in the short term and to remain strong and able to thrive in the long term; however, community needs and conditions have changed. [...]

2021-05-03T16:08:36+00:00Categories: NCSACW Featured, NCSACW Page|

The Use of Peers and Recovery Specialists in Child Welfare Settings

An examination of how child welfare agencies and family court programs have integrated peers and recovery specialists into their service delivery to support families affected by substance use disorders is highlighted in this brief. Also included is an overview of two models of support for families: peer support by persons who have experienced substance [...]

2020-05-12T22:19:32+00:00Categories: NCSACW Page|

On the Ground: How States Are Addressing Plans of Safe Care for Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure and Their Families

This technical assistance tool provides on-the-ground examples from states across the country that have implemented comprehensive approaches to Plans of Safe Care (POSC) for Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure (IPSE) and their families and caregivers. These concrete examples can help states and agencies consider practice and policy systems changes to best serve these families [...]

2020-05-12T22:19:30+00:00Categories: NCSACW Page|

Understanding Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Resource Guide for Professionals Referring to Treatment

This technical assistance tool focuses on providing a fundamental understanding of the substance use treatment and recovery process. Designed to equip professionals who refer parents to substance use treatment, the tool includes a list of questions that child welfare or court staff can ask treatment providers to begin establishing a collaborative relationship with their [...]

2020-05-12T22:19:28+00:00Categories: NCSACW Page|

Plans of Safe Care: An Issue Brief for Judicial Officers

Judicial officers hear a broad variety of dependency matters from a unique vantage point. This often requires insight and education in areas beyond the law such as substance use, mental health, and infant health and development. This briefing paper is intended to assist judicial officers presiding over collaborative community court teams better understand [...]

Reasonable and Active Efforts, and Substance Use Disorders: A Toolkit for Professionals Working with Families in or at Risk of Entering the Child Welfare System

A toolkit for professionals working with families in or at risk of entering the child welfare system.  The QIC-CCCT developed the Reasonable Efforts, Active Efforts and Substance Use Disorders Toolkit to help address some of the challenges presented in making reasonable and active efforts and related judicial findings in cases involving substance use. The [...]

Leading Change Brief Series: Key Lessons to Empower State and Local Leaders Seeking to Improve Systems Serving Families in the Child Welfare System Affected by Substance Use Disorders

The Leading Change brief series synthesizes the experiences of the six Statewide System Improvement Program (SSIP) awardees (from October 2014 through September 2019) into three briefs, each filled with relevant considerations and challenges for those who want to lead systems change in their states and communities. The first brief provides context of the current [...]

2023-08-21T19:28:38+00:00Categories: Home page, SSIP, SSIP Featured|

Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards (2019)

The Family Treatment Court (FTC) Best Practices Standards published by the Center for Children and Family Futures (2019) and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals provide local jurisdictions, states, tribes, and funders with clear practice guidance to improve outcomes for children, parents, and families affected by substance use and co-occurring [...]

2023-07-05T14:11:15+00:00Categories: FDC TTA, Home page, PLC page|

START Implementation Manual Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of the START Implementation Manual outlines the essential components of the START model and is available for download here.  The full manual is available as a part of consultation to provide guidance on implementation. Right-click a file name to download: START Implementation Manual Chapter 1 (.pdf) [...]

2019-10-03T22:28:30+00:00Categories: START Home|
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