National Quality Improvement Center  for Collaborative Community Court Teams

Funded By: Administration on Children, Youth and Families – Children’s Bureau

Resource Description
Oklahoma Family Network

OFN supports families of children and youth with special needs; they partner with TCFTC to provide training and support for families in the treatment court.
Tulsa County Family Drug Court Brochure An educational brochure provided to potential TCFTC participants at emergency custody (aka show cause) hearings.
Relapse Prevention Plan A document that can be individualized to assist TCFTC participants with maintaining sobriety.
Tulsa County Family Treatment Court Milestone Guide and Workbook Provided to all participants, document outlines programs requirements and provides additional resources and information.
SAFER Project Policy and Procedures A manual outlining the administrative policies and procedures for CTI’s SAFER Project, including the mission statement, program description, program targets, admission criteria, and referral process.
SAFER Participant Handbook An informational document provided to SAFER Project participants outlining the program’s admission criteria, description, expectations, and services.
SAFER Initial Plan of Safe Care A one-page document on which a shortened version of a program participant’s plan of safe care is recorded.
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A binder which contains a program participant’s individualized Plan of Safe Care along with other relevant resources.