National Quality Improvement Center  for Collaborative Community Court Teams

Funded By: Administration on Children, Youth and Families – Children’s Bureau

Resource Description
Arizona Department of Health Services—Free NAS Training/Videos & Resources Plan of Safe Care Brochure
Hushabye Nursery Recovery Center & Prevention Classes for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Prenatal Coordinated Care Pilot Flowchart Flowchart that describes best practices for coordination of care for systems involved with pregnant parents with substance use disorders
Prenatal Family Care Plan A plan of safe care used to increase collaboration, empower parents in their own care, and provide support as early in pregnancy as possible for parents with substance use disorders
Family Treatment Court Family Care Plan A plan of safe care to be used by Family Treatment Court to support increased coordination of care for enrolled parents after an infant has been born with substance exposure as a supplement to child welfare’s infant care plan
Prenatal Family Care Planning Guide A guide that explains to providers how to use the prenatal family care plan, with tips for engaging parents into the process.