National Quality Improvement Center  for Collaborative Community Court Teams

Funded By: Administration on Children, Youth and Families – Children’s Bureau

Resource Description
FSS Early Childhood Court Brochure for Families_R5 2019 This brochure provides an overview of the program and is in a format that is family friendly.
FSS Plan of Safe Care brochure PRINT FINAL This brochure is designed for the community as an overview of Plan of Safe Care.
1NEFHSC Plan of Safe Care DCF Protocol10.2019 This is a protocol that include the Plan of Safe Care template as well a referral.
POSC Elevator Pitch This provides an easy way for professionals or anyone to explain the Plan of Safe Care in under a minute.
Guide to support your baby This is a guide for parents and caregivers. The focus is on substance use during pregnancy, ways to support and care for your baby and breastfeeding tips.
ECC Operational procedure This is a guide for our ECC team on our processes and protocols.