Ensuring effective and efficient communication across agencies and systems

We provide training and technical assistance to cross-system partnerships to develop policies and procedures for cross-system information sharing and effective communication. Effective and efficient communication systems ensure data-driven decision-making for quality assurance and program improvements. Our areas of expertise related to information sharing include 

  • National policy and regulation on data sharing for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health treatment (e.g., Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPPA] and 42 CFR Part 2)
  • Effective and efficient information sharing and communication policies and protocols
  • Communication pathways and information exchange at the practice level to measure and track family members’ progress in meeting goals
  • Administrative-level data sharing agreements and data management to monitor the overall outcomes and success of the program and to make adjustments to program operations
  • More effective linkages among federal, Tribal, state, and county administrative data systems

No single agency alone has the necessary resources or information to ensure child safety, family well-being, and recovery from SUDs. Families need services from multiple agencies; thus, systems of care must work together and effectively communicate across agency boundaries. Efficient communication ensures safety for children and parents by sharing information about their service needs, utilization, and outcomes. Information sharing allows partners to track progress toward joint goals while promising accountability within multisystem collaboration.

Information-sharing agreements between agencies promote timely, accurate communication that complies with confidentiality requirements. Through linking administrative data sets, cross-system partners can simultaneously track parents in treatment with their children involved with child welfare services, allowing them to monitor families’ progress and collaborative outcomes jointly. 


CFF has disseminated over 3,200 materials related to information and data systems since 2016
CFF has responded to over 800 technical assistance requests about information and data systems since 2016


Through federally- and foundation-funded projects, Children and Family Futures and its small business subsidiary, Center for Children and Family Futures, produces publications, reports, Technical Assistance tools and web-based learning for the field. The following are featured resources from our work. For more resources or information related to a specific topic, please visit our resources page or click the “Request Assistance” button below or at the top of the page.