Promoting recovery and well-being for children, parents, and their families

We provide training and technical assistance to help agencies and systems make a shift in focus from serving an individual to meeting the needs of each member of the family. We work with Tribes, states, counties, courts, and community-based agencies to 1) integrate new collaborative practices; and 2) sustain evidence-based parenting and children’s interventions into their systems of care to provide a comprehensive, family-centered approach with families. 

Parental substance use disorders affect the well-being of the entire family; thus, recovery occurs within the context of family relationships. A family-centered approach includes comprehensive array of clinical treatment and related support services meeting the needs of each family member, not just the parent with the SUD or the child needing safety and permanence.

While service length, setting type, and program size vary, family-centered programs share common objectives—ensuring parents are fully supported in their parenting roles and children receive the necessary services and supports to remain with their parent(s) during the treatment and recovery process.


CFF has disseminated over 16,200 materials related to family-centered treatment services since 2016
CFF has responded to over 4,200 technical assistance requests about family-centered treatment services since 2016


0 million+
More than 2 million children live in households with at least one parent who has a substance use disorder1


Through federally- and foundation-funded projects, Children and Family Futures and its small business subsidiary, Center for Children and Family Futures, produces publications, reports, Technical Assistance tools and web-based learning for the field. The following are featured resources from our work. For more resources or information related to a specific topic, please visit our resources page or click the “Request Assistance” button below or at the top of the page.

  1. Ghertner, R. (2022, November). U.S. national and state estimates of children living with parents using substances, 2015-2019. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.